

secretly 的用法和双语例句“点击”或“选中”例句中的单词,就可以看到词义解释
- Many christians were meeting secretly in homes .
- 许多基督徒是在家里秘密集会的。
- Even obama is secretly working with the gop , will never touch his super rich donors .
- 甚至奥巴马也偷偷和大佬党合作,他永远不会动给他政治献金的超级富豪们。
- One day he had quarreled with frank , and after that she had to meet her lover secretly .
- 有一天他和弗兰克吵了起来,从那以后她就不得不和她的情人偷偷地约会了。
- Or are you eatingalone , secretly , especially if you are feeling emotional ?
- 或在你情绪化时,是否偷偷地一个人吃?
- They secretly record their conversations with hidden video cameras .
- 他们用隐藏的摄像机秘密记录下谈话内容。
- They were also attached to an intravenous drip so drugs could be administered secretly .
- 他们亦被进行了静脉注射,以使药物能够暗自作用。
- In fact , as a mother , my heart is always satisfied with her performance in all aspects , sometimes secretly admire her strange ideas .
- 其实,作为母亲,我内心一直是满意女儿各方面表现的,有时还暗自欣赏她的各种奇怪的想法。
- Last week it was discovered the app for twitter had been secretly accessing mobile phone address books .
- 上个星期,推特的应用程序被爆料暗中获取用户的通讯录信息。
- Everyone sees you secretly racing the old people in the pool .
- 你在泳池里暗暗地和老年人较劲比谁游得快时,大家都看得见。
- If he is standoffish in public , he can still enjoy the mothering he secretly still craves in the privacy of home .
- 如果他在公共场所冷淡,在家里的私密空间里他仍暗暗渴望享受慈母的照料。