- 今天的日程是行车,我们开始了很多天行车的第一天。
- Today is a driving day and we begin the first of many all-day drives .
- 买回来你就整天在家重装系统,整天去报修就行了。
- Buy back you reinstall the system all day at home all day to go on the list of repair .
- 已经有一整年没活动筋骨了,整天坐在研究室里,翻阅资料,逐渐感觉到身体的机能在退化,筋骨像是长了锈,甚至出现腰酸背痛的迹象。
- I haven 't taken a little bit exercise throughout the year . All day long , I constrained myself in the research room going through papers . I felt my health condition was worsening day by day --- my bones seemed to be rusted and backaches struck me occasionally .