- 真正的影响当然较小,因为从两个层电子都会散射一些。
- The real effect is smaller because electrons scatter somewhat from both layers .
- 莫斯科郊外森林中一个隐藏的吉普赛人营地,为躲避警察突袭,妇女和儿童正在分散。
- Women and children scatter to avoid a police raid at a gypsy camp hidden in a forest outside moscow .
- 它们对许多初创企业分散下注(这些企业的利润率大多不高、甚至还会亏损),寄望于少数企业能为它们带来巨额回报。
- They scatter bets around many start-ups , most of which fail or produce mediocre returns , relying on a few big winners .
- 场外交易的分散使人们实际上不可能追踪交易流量。
- The dispersion of otc transactions makes it virtually impossible to follow flows .
- 和其他重大的转变一样,经济力量散布到更广的范围内将同时带来挑战与机遇。
- Like any big shift , the dispersion of economic power presents challenges and opportunities .
- 基金组织认为近几年的市场低波动率可能得益于更为稳定的经济状况,央行可信度的提高或者金融体系风险的更好的分散。
- The fund suggests the low volatility of recent years may be owing to greater economic stability , improved central-bank credibility or the better dispersion of risks around the financial system .
- 这两种趋势的总体结果是比几年前更为扩散的恐怖主义威胁。
- The overall result of these two trends is a terrorist threat that is more diffuse than it was several years ago .
- 弥漫性巨b细胞淋巴瘤,它涉及称为b细胞的免疫细胞,是比较常见和恶性的淋巴瘤之一。
- Diffuse large b-cell lymphoma , which involves immune cells called b cells , is one of the more common and dangerous lymphomas .
- 这些化学物质迅速扩散通过神经元之间的小间隙,与接收神经元表面的受体对接。
- The chemicals diffuse quickly across the minute gap between the neurons and dock with receptors on the surface of the receiving neuron .
- 床单上到处散落着新鲜香烟,那是游客出于崇敬扔在上面的。
- Fresh cigarettes lie scattered atop the sheets , tossed there by tourists as a sign of reverence .
- 然而,这种散射光极其微弱,因此只产生一个非常弱的信号。
- However , the scattered light is extremely weak and therefore yields a very low signal .
- 拉曼光谱的工作原理是使用一束激光照射到原子上,然后收集并分析产生的散射光的波长和密度。
- Raman spectroscopy works by shining a laser light onto a molecule and then collecting and analysing the wavelength and intensity of the resulting scattered light .