- 敢将这致命的凶神捉牢?
- Dare its deadly terrors clasp ?
- 而今天,只有一小部分敢于拒绝。
- Today , only a handful dare abstain .
- 何等手敢将这火取?
- What the hand dare seize the fire ?
- 退休对你来说是一个新的冒险历程。
- Your retirement is a new venture .
- verizonwireless是verizon通信股份有限公司和沃达丰集团公司的合资企业。
- Verizon wireless is a venture of verizon communications inc and vodafone group plc .
- 可接受损失不是由企业决定,而取决于个体。
- Acceptable loss does not depend on the venture , but the individual .
- 我想要成为的那种勇敢的人慢慢地缩了回去。
- The courageous person I wanted to be slowly shrunk into her shell .
- 美国怀俄明州黄石国家公园里,一只勇敢的野鼠与一头身量一百倍的郊狼对峙。
- A courageous vole takes on a coyote a hundred times his size in yellowstone national park , wyoming .
- 父亲勇敢的榜样给年轻的herron灌输了这样的信念:公职人员是效力上帝的一种好方式。
- That courageous example instilled in the younger herron a belief that public office is a good way to serve the lord .
- 这是个大胆的举动。
- That is a bold move .
- 为此需要采取三项大胆举措。
- Three bold steps are needed .
- 危险的病症需要大胆的疗法。
- Dangerous conditions demand bold therapies .
- 这无疑是个勇敢的姿态。
- It was doubtless a brave gesture .
- 那些警备队的小伙子们是很勇敢的。
- Those coast guard guys are brave .
- 警察不得不在数月里保持勇敢。
- The policeman had to be brave over months .
- 去年冬天对离谱的价格补助进行的改革是个烫手山芋,只有他才敢触碰。
- Last winter 's reform of ruinous price subsidies was a hot potato that only he dared to touch .
- 现在你刻意的去寻找困难而复杂的挑战,在过去你只敢去梦想它们。
- Now you deliberately seek out difficult and complex challenges that you only dared to dream about in the past .
- 但大学里没人敢小瞧他们:日本这两个字当时是与财富和实力联系在一起的。
- But nobody at the universities dared ignore them : japan was associated with money and power .