- 有些教条的自然主义成为科学精神道路上又一个敌人。
- Naturalism as dogma is one more enemy of the scientific spirit .
- 库兰教授称,一个问题在于由宗教激发的社会制度比宗教教义变化得更慢。
- One problem , says mr kuran , is that religiously-inspired institutions change more slowly than religious dogma .
- 和基督教或犹太教的上帝不同,神道教的神并不把法律、道德标准和教义强加于人。
- Unlike the christian or jewish god , shinto gods do not impose laws , moral standards or a dogma .
- 关于这种虚假教条,就说这么多吧。
- So much for that false doctrine .
- 这不是一种鼓舞人心的学说,它也没有发挥激励作用。
- This is not an inspiring doctrine , and it has not inspired .
- 他的流动性提供学说取决于流动性和偿付能力的明确区分。
- The doctrine of liquidity provision depends on a clear separation of liquidity and solvency .
- 如今,这一信条已经土崩瓦解。
- Now that creed has crumbled .
- 依据事实客观报道是他的基本信条。
- With facts came objectivity , his fundamental creed .
- 做一些私人的、荒谬的事情,不为宗教信条所规定的事情。
- Do something private and ridiculous , something that answers to no creed .
- 维持美国两大政党对自己的支持是以色列政策的核心原则。
- It is a core tenet of israeli policy to maintain bipartisan support in america .
- 现代经济的一个核心信条认为,贸易会惠及交易双方,它是双赢而不是零和博弈。
- It is a central tenet of modern economics that trade is mutually beneficial for both partners , a win-win rather than a zero-sum .
- 一些人认为这个系统违反了人性的基本原则:自由意志。
- Some argue that the system violates a basic tenet of personhood : free will .