- 政治运动和教育系统都被用于改造旧有的价值体系。
- Political campaigns and education programmes were used to reform traditional value systems .
- 三年的医改是否是情况得到改善了呢?
- Has the situation changed after 3 years of reform ?
- 况且教育部的那些老顽固仍旧不愿敞开革新的大门。
- And reactionary educational bureaucrats still block the door to reform .
- 各家公司还在寻求可将煤炭或天然气变为液体的转化技术。
- Companies are also pursuing conversion technologies that transform coal or gas into liquids .
- 杀手级应用能创建新的产业,并改造现有的产业。
- Killer apps establish new industries and transform existing ones .
- 尼尔森杰克比和同事们首先计算出这种晶格的傅里叶变换从而得到了它的倒晶格。
- Nilsson jacobi and colleagues first calculated the fourier transform of the lattice , which gives its reciprocal lattice .
- hadntz装置能真正的改造世界,使用剧增的联动装置,将大脑与改变历史的物质连接,然后调整整个星球到新的、更受欢迎的时间轴里。
- The hadntz device could literally remake the world , using quantum linkages between the brain and matter to alter history and shift the entire planet into new , more welcoming timelines .
- 哥伦比亚大学(columbiauniversity)教授艾米丽贝尔(emilybell)最近辩称,“所有的新闻编辑室都不得不围绕实时作出反应的原则,进行自我改造”,而不管它对此感觉如何。
- Emily bell , a professor at columbia university , argued this week that " every newsroom will have to remake itself around the principle of being reactive in real time " no matter how it feels about that .
- 他需要改造世界,为了净化后的人类:很多他自己的子辈孙辈,他为之主持婚礼的夫妇们的孩子们,以及现在已经让他成为自己真父的教派成员们。
- He needed to remake the world for purified humanity : his own many children and grandchildren , the children of the couples he had married , and the church members whose true parent he had now become .
- 我们知识分子出身的文艺工作者,要使自己的作品为群众所欢迎,就得把自己的思想感情来一个变化,来一番改造。
- If our writers and artists who come from the intelligentsia want their works to be well received by the masses , they must change and remould their thinking and their feelings .
- 教育工作者最重要的工作是帮助重塑人的性格。
- The most important task for educators is to help remould the human character .
- 引言:人类创造了建筑,建筑又重塑了人类!
- Preface : mankind creates building , constructed to remould mankind again !