- 该观点认为,那些因为规章失去工作的工人的损失也应该包括在内。
- On this view , it should also incorporate the harm suffered by workers who lose their jobs .
- 这些所谓的普通道德标准通常包含许多有组织的社会圈人士无根据的声明,从而为当时他们认可的议程辩护。
- These so called universal moral standards usually incorporate numerous baseless declarations often used by organized social circles as justification for whatever agenda they are endorsing at the time .
- 研究还使用了一个统计模型来合并专家们各自的数据,包括那些已发现生物随时间进化的速率。
- The study also employed a statistical model to incorporate expert assessments with known information about changes in rates of discovery over time .
- 那将会是一个严重的挫折。
- That would be a severe setback .
- 但克里姆林宫的领导人们似乎正准备迎接挫折。
- But kremlin leaders appeared to be positioning themselves for a setback .
- 但是,他所执行的外交政策上的退步才是争论的焦点。
- But the controversy is still a setback for his foreign policy .
- 一些广告也参和了进来宝马每年都会出一则虚假广告。
- Some companies get in on the act too - bmw run a spoof advert every year .
- 一旦你深入进去,你就知道你不会再把这本书放下。
- Once you get in deep enough you know you could never put this book down .
- 你们刚进这个镇吗?
- Did you just get in town ?