- 我母亲慢慢地完全康复了。
- My mother went on to recover fully .
- 感染这些传染病许多人都能充分康复。
- Most people who get these diseases recover fully .
- 我留在此地,希望这动物会康复。
- Hoping the animal would recover , I stayed .
- 法国军方官员星期三说,法国军队夜间完成了部署,继续进行一星期来的收复马里北部主要城市的行动。
- French military officials said wednesday the troops deployed overnight , continuing a week-long push to recapture the main cities in northern mali .
- 星期天,马里北部城市加奥的居民走上街头唱歌跳舞,身穿西式服装,庆祝从伊斯兰激进分子手中收复这座城市。
- Residents of mali 's northern city of gao played music in the streets , danced , smoked and wore western-style clothing sunday to celebrate the recapture of the city from islamic extremists .
- 鉴于他父亲在1973年的阿拉伯-以色列战争中没能夺回戈兰高地,获得这一领土将会极大提升阿萨德先生的威望。
- Considering his father 's failed effort to recapture the golan heights in the 1973 arab-israeli war , securing the territory would hugely boost mr assad 's prestige .
- 消费增长不大可能很快恢复。
- Spending growth is unlikely to resume soon .
- 该公司股票至今尚未恢复交易。
- The shares have yet to resume trading .
- 她希望明年能够恢复巡回演唱会。
- She hopes to resume touring next year .
- 科学家已经发现了在大肠杆菌的dna中存储、加密和检索复杂数据的方法。
- Scientists have found a way to store , encrypt and retrieve complex data in the dna of e. coli .
- 按照其中一个计划,美国将派遣一个小组找回这架飞机。
- Under one plan , a team would be sent to retrieve the aircraft .
- 为了找回丢失的密码,网站常问用户所谓的挑战问题:你母亲的娘家姓什么?
- To retrieve a lost password , sites often ask subscribers so-called challenge questions : what 's your mother 's maiden name ?