- 所以,让我们撇开行为经济学自相矛盾的理论,来看看经济学历史吧。
- So let me put aside the contradictions of behavioural economics and rely instead on economic history .
- 除非利率再一次升高,现在放下短期投资吧。
- But until rates are high again put aside short-term thinking .
- 要终结这场危机,以德国为首的每一个欧盟国家都必须抛开短视的私利计较。
- To end the crisis every eu country starting with germany must put aside its short-sighted self-interest .
- 根据法国的法律很难解雇工人。
- French laws make it hard to dismiss workers .
- 随意解雇、拖欠工资的现象仍很普遍。
- Random dismiss and wage arrears phenomenon is prevalent .
- 政府修建了很多新学校,但是却连最差的老师都不能解雇。
- Governments have built many new schools , but cannot dismiss even the worst teachers .
- 加大公众监督力度将会使经理人很难对批评置之不理。
- Increased public scrutiny will also make it harder for executives to brush off criticism .
- 我们对它们的解剖如此陌生,很容易就耸耸肩刷掉相似的进化。
- Their anatomy is so unfamiliar that it 's easy for us to brush off similar tweaks with a shrug .
- 投资者希望能摆脱失业报告,他们称之为迟缓的指示器。
- Investors tend to brush off jobless reports as what they call a lagging indicator .
- 除怀孕外,梅耶尔还在管理上面临很多挑战。
- Ms. mayer faces plenty of management challenges apart from the pregnancy .
- 除直接成本之外,贷款担保还有其他的不良影响。
- Apart from their direct costs loan guarantees have other damaging effects .
- 除其他19个国家之外,欧盟也算是一名成员。
- Apart from 19 countries the european union is also a member .