- 他现在每天晚上下班都是骑摩托车回家。
- He rides his motorcycle home to the village every night .
- 我坐下来,脱掉摩托靴,希望所有的一切都有自己的小牌子。
- I sat down and pulled off my motorcycle boots , wishing every object had its own little sign .
- 2010年1月被其轿车附近一辆摩托车中的饵雷炸死。
- Killed in january 2010 when a booby-trapped motorcycle exploded near his car .
- 这位29岁的电信经理最近卖掉了他的摩托车,并搬回了家中。
- The 29-year-old telecoms manager recently sold his motorbike and moved back to the family home .
- 部分归功于这项津贴补助,现在镇上有了摩托和汽车商,新店铺,一家银行及几家餐馆。
- Thanks partly to this cash injection , the town now boasts car and motorbike dealers , new shops , a bank and restaurants .
- 对于那些肚子很饿却又不想停车的人来说,在越南骑摩托车是很得天独厚的。
- For anyone who 's hungry and hates parking -- vietnam by motorbike is bliss .
- 你就问她她情人是不是骑摩托车?
- Just ask about your lover if he rides autocycle ?
- 近年来,关于摩托车质量问题的投诉呈现逐年递增的趋势。
- In recent years , about autocycle quality problem complain the trend that presents year after year to increase by degrees .
- 永磁式摩托车起动电机励磁系统
- The Excitation System of parmanent magnet autocycle start motor