- 一些穿着石油公司制服的人突然闯上舞台破坏音响设备,并驱赶警察。
- Men wearing oil-company jackets stormed the stage , broke sound equipment and chased away police .
- 好莱坞舞台的各种阴谋论声音此时甚嚣尘上,我感到很有必要告知这些生于1970年代后的人,跟1969年7月的六亿人一样,我也是这段历史的见证人。
- The various hollywood sound stage conspiracy theories ricocheted across the room when I felt compelled to inform those born after the 1970s that , like 600 million people in july 1969 , I was a witness to history .
- 之后,未被通知的警察切断了电源,切断了音乐,人群在舞台上推揉。
- Uniformed police then cut the electricity , killing the sound , while throngs flood the stage pushing and shoving .