- 扭曲行动一直都被视为失败的行动。
- Operation twist has long been considered a failure .
- 在没有舞伴的情况下扭转,看上去实在可怜。
- Doing the twist without a partner just looks sad .
- 但人们有理由担心,扭转行动将产生不了什么有益成果。
- But there are reasons to fear that little good will come from the twist .
- 市政环卫工人每个月都要擦洗并喷几万平方米的墙壁和人行道。
- City hygiene workers scrub down and spray tens of thousands of square meters of walls and sidewalks every month .
- 在离灌木丛三十米远的地方,这名塔利班侦察员调转车头沿着沙漠公路加速逃跑。
- Thirty metres across the scrub , the taliban scout turned his machine and accelerated away along a desert track .
- 他熄灭前灯,他们周围的灌木丛镀上一层银色,变得如月球表面般荒凉。
- He doused his headlights , and the scrub around them silvered , turned to moonscape .
- 如上文所说,我揉匹萨面团的时间比原来要短。
- That said , I knead pizza dough for less time than I used to .
- “把纸揉烂了”的英语是。
- " Put the paper knead rotten " , .
- 我要去揉一些面,做饺子。
- I 'm going to knead some dough to make some dumplings .