- 人们应该以理性同他们抗辩,而不该嘲弄。
- Their arguments should be countered with reason , not ridicule .
- 她所推行的改革方案无论有多合理,都只是遭到更多的嘲弄。
- Every new reform proposal , no matter how sensible , earns her more ridicule .
- 那些报道计算机安全的新闻网站对转储的文档进行深入挖掘,将hbgary与巴尔当作了嘲弄的靶子。
- News sites that cover computer security have plumbed the document dump turning hbgary and barr into objects of ridicule .
- 所有政党都在嘲弄旧政权,但没有讲清楚自己会怎么做。
- All deride the old regime but few manifestos spell out what they would do instead .
- 批评者嘲弄这些做法不过是摆摆样子,但还有一些人认为,当梅德韦德夫确立自己俄国合法领导人的地位时,这些人可能会巩固他的支持率。
- Critics deride these moves as symbolic , but some say they may be an attempt to consolidate support as medvedev prepares to assert himself as russia 's legitimate leader .
- 尽管布什可能会公然嘲笑法国的中央集权体制,但对于国家集权和权威,他似乎也应有一种非常高卢化的观点。
- Although he may publicly deride french statism , mr bush would also appear to have a very gallic conception of the centrality and authority of the state .