- 他们抱怨说借款人只能提前支付一小部分物品的价值。
- They complain that moneylenders advance only a fraction of the item 's value .
- 其助手称最近的金融危机是推进他的议程的机会。
- Aides say he sees the recent crisis an opportunity to advance his agenda .
- 技术进步带来了快速的业内整合。
- Technological advance led to rapid consolidation .
- 正因为这个原因,在没有事先商定好条款的情况下,没有哪个经济学家会一起打车。
- That is why no economist would share a cab without agreeing terms beforehand .
- 我预先的所读所闻和我实际所见不太一样。
- Nothing I 'd read or heard beforehand really prepared me for what we saw .
- 通过预先注意这些替代方案,你就能更好地构想出问题的有创造性的解决方案。
- By looking at these alternatives beforehand you 'll be better able to develop creative solutions to problems .