- 盟军故意凿沉30艘自由轮,在海滩外排成行,为登陆诺曼底滩头堡的舰船形成防浪堤,保护靠岸的舰船。
- Thirteen liberty ships , deliberately scuttled to form a breakwater for invasion vessels landing on the normandy beachhead lie in line off the beach , shielding the ships in shore .
- 盟军故意凿沉30艘自由轮,在海滩外排成行,为登陆诺曼底滩头堡的舰船形成防浪堤,保护靠岸的舰船。
- Thirteen liberty ships , deliberately scuttled to form a breakwater for invasion vessels landing on the normandy beachhead lie in line off the beach , shielding the ships in shore .
- 讲台上人们站成一排,并且简短地介绍他们想谈论的话题。
- People form a line at the stage and describe briefly what they want to talk about .
- 现在,很少有人会冒着生命危险使用皮筏或橡胶轮胎穿越佛罗里达海峡;相反,他们排队申请签证。
- Nowadays few of them risk their lives in rafts or rubber tyres to cross the florida straits . Instead they queue up for a visa .
- 包括新泽西州的警察安德鲁拉格提在内的一些人甚至在联邦紧急事务管理局门口排队索赔。
- Some including andrew ragati a new jersey policeman queue up at the makeshift offices of fema ( the federal emergency management agency ) to file claims .
- 她们排好队只不过是来对我加以申斥。
- They queue up just to speak to me .