- 研究科技和电子商务公司的哈佛商学院教授约菲(davidyoffie)说,分清轻重缓急对谷歌至关重要。
- David yoffie , a harvard business school professor who studies technology and e-commerce companies , said prioritizing is important for google .
- 我常常见到的,有两种方法可以排列你那些在你的待办事项里面的事务的“优先程度”。
- There are two approaches to " prioritizing " the tasks in your to-do list that I see fairly often .
- 除了优先选择有前景的创意之外,新创意的最终形成还需要进行多次实验,经历多次失败。
- Developing new ideas involves a certain amount of experimentation and failure , as well as prioritizing of the most promising ideas .
- 朱迪斯是公认的养生瑜伽方面的先驱和世界范围内的权威,我觉得这本优秀的书非常值得与你们分享。
- Judith is considered a pioneer and leading world authority on restorative yoga and I felt its the perfect book to share with you .
- 我始终认为高质量的休息是一种特殊的恢复,培养和治疗的做法。
- I 'm a strong believer that quality rest is an exceptionally restorative , nurturing and healing practice .
- 如果你打算开始练习养生瑜伽,那么《放松与复元无压时代的放松瑜伽》是最好的开始。
- If restorative yoga speaks to you , then relax and renew relaxing yoga for stressful times is the perfect starting point .