- 壁挂钟所采用的电磁体可能不容易拆除,但是钎焊上一根电线还是很容易的,而且可以随电磁体正常工作。
- The electromagnet in a wall clock may not be as readily removable , but it 's a piece of cake to solder new wires to , and it will work fine with the electromagnet in place .
- 对于一个超人智能来说,如果治疗人类所有疾病都不过是小意思,那么与奇点一同到来的自然该有长生不老的承诺只要它发生的时候你还在世。
- If curing all human ills will be a piece of cake for a superhuman intelligence , then the singularity carries with it the promise of immortality - as long as you 're still alive when it happens .
- infraredx的设备灵感来自于20世纪90年代末穆勒博士与一位光谱学专家的谈话,那位专家告诉他,用该技术找出脂质核斑块“易如反掌”。
- The infraredx device grew out of a conversation dr. muller had with a spectroscopy expert in the late 1990s , who told him it would be ' a piece of cake ' to find lipid-core plaques with the technology .