- 而这有可能一举动摇石油工业、汽车制造业和电力工业。
- That could shake up the oil , carmaking and electricity industries all in one go .
- 微软一向自命不凡,直到谷歌的到来,才撼动了其地位。
- Microsoft had largely grown complacent until google came along to shake up categories .
- 如果你怀疑这一点,不妨考虑一下上一个撼动世界的新兴超级大国的崛起。
- If you doubt it , consider the rise of the last emerging superpower to shake the world .
- 比较而言,为了获得盘旋需要的额外的上升力,蜂鸟的翅膀不只是简单地上下拍打,而且还以“8”字型振荡。
- By contrast , to get the extra lift needed for hovering , hummingbirds do not simply flap their wings up and down , but oscillate them through a figure of eight pattern .
- 颞浅动脉岛状皮瓣修复眼睑及眶周缺损的临床应用。
- Clinical application in superficial temporal artery island flap to repair the eyelid and periorbital defects .
- 胬肉切除联合球结膜瓣转位术的疗效。
- Effects of pterygium excision combined with bulbar conjunctival flap transplantation .
- 另一种方法是对选举施加影响。
- The other is to wield influence on elections .
- 它到底开始看起来像一个努力行使自己职权的政府。
- At last it is beginning to resemble a government endeavouring to wield power .
- 新的欧元区机构将行使生杀大权,而不必讲究什么民主责任。
- New euro-zone institutions will wield brutal powers without democratic accountability .