- 有挫败感的不止比特一人。
- He is not alone in his frustration .
- 造成这一挫折感的还有其它许多原因。
- There are many other reasons for frustration .
- 感受这种痛苦、挫败和愤怒。
- Feel the pain frustration and anger .
- 那将会是一个严重的挫折。
- That would be a severe setback .
- 但克里姆林宫的领导人们似乎正准备迎接挫折。
- But kremlin leaders appeared to be positioning themselves for a setback .
- 但是,他所执行的外交政策上的退步才是争论的焦点。
- But the controversy is still a setback for his foreign policy .
- 就业法规和工会压力挫败了企业改变用工行为或削减成本的努力。
- Employment rules and trade union pressure frustrate efforts to change working practices or cut costs .
- 选民对飞速变化的畏惧心理加上旨在挫败改革的一套系统,日本将它急需的改革拒之门外。
- With an electorate wary of rapid change and a system designed to frustrate it , japan has rejected the reform it needs .
- 与2008年袭击孟买酒店的巴基斯坦恐怖组织一样,该暗杀小组的成员被确信使用黑莓手机安全的进行了联络,挫败了已经通过监控录像辨认出他们的警方调查。
- The hit-squad 's members , like a pakistan-based terrorist group which attacked hotels in mumbai in 2008 , are believed to have communicated securely using blackberrys , frustrate ing a police investigation that identified them by cctv footage .