- 关于共和党失败的主流解释是错误的。
- The prevailing theories of defeat are wrong .
- 我们也肯定会将打败腐败。
- We will surely defeat corruption .
- 萨科齐立刻承认了失败。
- Mr sarkozy quickly conceded defeat .
- 就业法规和工会压力挫败了企业改变用工行为或削减成本的努力。
- Employment rules and trade union pressure frustrate efforts to change working practices or cut costs .
- 选民对飞速变化的畏惧心理加上旨在挫败改革的一套系统,日本将它急需的改革拒之门外。
- With an electorate wary of rapid change and a system designed to frustrate it , japan has rejected the reform it needs .
- 与2008年袭击孟买酒店的巴基斯坦恐怖组织一样,该暗杀小组的成员被确信使用黑莓手机安全的进行了联络,挫败了已经通过监控录像辨认出他们的警方调查。
- The hit-squad 's members , like a pakistan-based terrorist group which attacked hotels in mumbai in 2008 , are believed to have communicated securely using blackberrys , frustrate ing a police investigation that identified them by cctv footage .
- 泰瑟枪用爆裂的高压电使人失去能力,警察得以制服人们又不会造成永久伤害。
- Tasers disable people with bursts of high-voltage electricity , allowing police to subdue them without lasting injury .
- 万幸的是,它并不打算制服人类,而是准许其更好地管理周围环境。
- Fortunately , it is not intended to subdue humans , but to allow them to control their environments better .
- 他们称,不得已之下只能用武力制服了他,因此他们的行为符合《刑事罪行法》(crimesact)。
- They said they only used reasonable force to subdue him and that their actions were in compliance with the crimes act .
- 降低税额也会有所帮助。
- Lower taxes would also help .
- 大蒜还可以帮助降低血液中的胆固醇。
- Garlic also helps lower blood cholesterol .
- 炎症标志物也大大地降低。
- Markers of inflammation were also significantly lower .
- 顾问局主席及社区论坛召集人出席香港爱滋病研讨会2006。
- Aca chairman and cfa convener attending the hong kong aids dialogue 2006 .
- 顾问局主席及爱滋病社区论坛召集人出席香港爱滋病基金会十五周。
- Aca chairman & cfa convener attended the 15th anniversary dinner of the hong kong aids foundation .
- 谈论《合理医疗费用法案》对最低阶层人群的益处是一种途径。
- Talking about how the aca benefits the poorest would be a way to do it .