- 挤压加工应用于生产创新性食品产品已经为未来的食品生产带来了更多的希望。
- The use of extrusion to produce new and innovative food products holds much promise for future food production .
- 整个流程包括在一个挤压式喷头中熔化塑料,喷射出丝状材料然后组成图层。
- This involves melting plastic in an extrusion head to deposit a thin filament of material to build the layers .
- 挤压工艺已经准备在兵营军队领域的配备供给上和有特别饮食规定的需求和灾难、饥荒恢复期间的食品供给上使用。
- Extrusion processing has been used in the preparation of camping and military field rations , foods for special dietary needs and for feeding during disaster and famine recovery .
- 税收的增加加剧了资金的挤压。
- Tax increases intensified the squeeze .
- 向碗里挤一些普通的洗洁精。
- Squeeze some ordinary washing up liquid into a bowl .
- 家庭环节受到了无情挤压。
- The squeeze on households is merciless .
- 人们越来越担忧,针对银行放贷的限制正令小企业受到挤压。
- It comes amid increasing concerns that curbs on bank lending are squeezing small companies .
- 作为小企业主,他们一直抱怨过多的监管挤压了他们的利润。
- As small-business owners , they complain excess regulations are squeezing their profits .
- 除此之外,不断上涨的燃油价格正更多地挤压家庭预算。
- On top of all that , rising fuel prices are squeezing home budgets even more .