- 在这期间,倡导者咨询公司的琳达刊登了关于潜在的健康威胁的科学证据,却没有给出证据的链接。
- In the meantime , linda erdreich of the consulting firm exponent reviewed scientific evidence on potential health hazards and found no proven link .
- 如果荷兰要维护其作为欧元区中严厉财政纪律倡导者的声誉,主流政党就不得不大规模地削减预算规模将是公众始料不及的。
- If the netherlands is to retain credibility as an exponent of iron fiscal discipline in the eurozone , the mainstream parties will have to make budget cuts on a scale the public is unprepared for .
- 至于其他的舶来观念,他却是一个先行的倡导者:去年,他为真人秀节目《学徒》的俄罗斯版本走到幕前。
- He has been an early exponent of other imported ideas : last year he was the front man for the russian version of the reality television show , " the apprentice " .
- 这种特点也适用于货币。
- This characteristic also applies to currency .
- 其显著特征就是不确定性。
- Its salient characteristic is uncertainty .
- 你最具有标志性的特征是什么?
- What is your most marked characteristic ?