- 扭曲行动一直都被视为失败的行动。
- Operation twist has long been considered a failure .
- 在没有舞伴的情况下扭转,看上去实在可怜。
- Doing the twist without a partner just looks sad .
- 但人们有理由担心,扭转行动将产生不了什么有益成果。
- But there are reasons to fear that little good will come from the twist .
- 有需要时可扭出多余的水分。
- Wring out excess water as needed .
- 他会用羞辱榨出你体内的血和泪。
- He will wring tears of blood from your humiliation .
- 你如果不规矩点,我就拧断你的脖子。
- I 'll wring your neck if you don 't behave .
- 即使是最好的长期投资组合,你也可能需要每年或一定时间做些调整。
- And that you might need to tweak even the best long-term portfolio once a year or so .
- 使用raw格式拍摄,这样你可以在后期调整图片的白平衡。
- Raw capture will also help since it allows you to tweak your white balance later .
- 对于无法对其编码进行微调的科学家来说,会发现他们很难去利用世界上最快的计算机们不断提升的性能。
- And those scientists who find that they cannot tweak their code may find themselves struggling to take advantage of the ever-rising performance of the world 's fastest computers .
- 但所有人都知道如何捏或拉伸一个物体,在看见别人如此操作之后,这一交互模式可以很容易转移到手机的小屏幕上。
- But everyone knew how to pinch or stretch something , and this interaction pattern was easily transferrable to the small screen after seeing it done just once .
- 原材料价格的通货紧缩也开始挤压着制造商和零售商的销售价格。
- Deflation in raw-material prices is also starting to pinch sales prices for manufacturers and retailers .
- 在发达国家,不断上涨的小麦价格可能会挤压食品生产商,它们可能会考虑将成本转嫁给消费者。
- In the developed world , the rising prices could pinch food makers , which may hesitate to push the cost to consumers .
- 这个猪头,通奸的,骗子是结过婚的.
- As in pigheaded , adulterous , liar married .
- 这个螺旋线展示的领袖品质,使得去伪存真的组合变得轮廓清晰。
- By the apparent leadership of the screw thread , the refined combination comes into focus .
- 对螺旋的创新诠释使得高度调节变得明显并容易。
- The new interpretation of the screw makes the height adjustment self-explanatory and easy .
- 百事公司(pepsico)首席执行官英德拉努伊(indranooyi)近期曾说过,消费者以前也许会不喝完一瓶螺旋盖饮料,现在他们会一饮而尽。
- Indra nooyi , pepsico 's ceo , said recently that consumers who might have previously left a screw top bottled drink unfinished , now finish it off .
- 之后,乔布斯借助ipod推出了itunes,从唱片店手中夺取了音乐销售的控制权,帮助敲响了towerrecords等零售商的丧钟。
- He then used the ipod to help launch itunes and wrest control of music sales from record stores , helping spell the demise of retailers like tower records .
- 监管机构威胁着要停止交易,那样会产生上市垄断,之后纳斯达克和洲际交易所停止与德意志证券交易所抢夺欧洲证券交易所。
- Nasdaq and intercontinental exchange have ended their attempt to wrest nyse euronext away from germany 's deutsche brse after regulators threatened to block the deal , which would create a share-listing monopoly .
- 一次同时,spilitopoulos说到,国防部和其他部门的各个团体都试图打断他的调查,以便于利用杠杆效应的混乱,从他的手中夺取财产的监管权。
- At the same time , spilitopoulos says , various groups within the defense and other ministries attempted to thwart his investigation in the hopes of leveraging the confusion to wrest property from his oversight and control .