- 但他处理争端时不偏不倚的做法本身似乎便足以招致总统的怒火。
- Yet his even-handedness alone seems to have been enough to incur the wrath of the president .
- 最后一条经验来自瑞典和rtc,那就是即使坏帐银行蒙受巨大损失,人们仍有可能认为它们很成功。
- Last is the lesson from sweden and the rtc , that bad banks may be judged successful even if they incur large losses .
- 如果希腊债券持有人的安全投资也蒙受了损失的话,那么持有意大利,西班牙债券的债主们又当如何呢?
- If holders of greek bonds can incur losses on what they once thought were safe investments , what of holders of italian or spanish debt ?
- 人口优势则是另一原因。
- Favourable demography is another cause .
- 昂贵薪酬也会引起不满。
- Expensive hires can cause resentment .
- 这个问题引起人们的焦虑。
- This question lets people cause anxiety .
- 然而低廉的通信成本再一次给行业带来了变革。
- Again cheaper communications helped to bring about change .
- 一次大的经济衰退肯定导致通缩。
- One big recession could surely bring about just that .
- 因此,董事会往往求助于外部人士,来实现持久的转变。
- So boards often turn to an outsider to bring about lasting change .
- 人口数量逐渐下降可能导致经济停滞。
- A declining population would result in economic stagnation .
- 眼睛损伤能造成暂时失明或永久失明。
- Eye damage can result in temporary or permanent blindness .
- 这可能会造成不可预测的结果。
- This may result in unpredictable output .