- 第一眼看去,她的课跟很多我们所参加的家长-婴儿的课大体上都差不多,在那儿,老师鼓励我们唱歌,拍手,听故事和闲聊。
- At first glance hers was much like many of the other parent-and-baby classes we 've attended , where we 're encouraged to sing songs , clap hands , listen to stories and gossip .
- 两位老师在扫除时给孩子们许多提示:闪光、响铃、孩子们鼓着掌数到100。
- The two teachers give the children multiple cues when it 's time to clean up : lights flash , a bell rings and the children clap and count to 100 .
- 比如像“说5遍‘我是肮脏的’”和“学狗叫3次”,其它5项不被认为是特别的丢脸,包括“讲一个笑话给对方”和“拍手50次”。
- These included things like : " say ' I am filthy ' five times " and " bark like a dog three times " . The other five were not considered particularly demeaning . They included : " tell the experimenter a funny joke " and " clap your hands 50 times " .
- 尽管如此,不要给数额少到像是侮辱一样的、而不是鼓励的钱。
- That said , don 't send in a sum so trifling that it seems more like a slap than a token of appreciation .
- 维克多查说,朝鲜是唯一一个把卫星发射和弹道导弹试验区分开的国家,他称朝鲜的宣布是对国际社会的侮辱。
- Cha said north korea was the only country that makes a distinction between satellite launches and ballistic missile tests , calling the announcement a " slap in the face " to the international community .
- 但是,他想用钱来解决社会问题,并对富人征更多的税,他正在用他的演讲才能虏获人们的恐惧心态。
- Instead , he wants to throw money at social problems and slap more taxes on the rich , and he is using his oratorical powers to prey on people 's fears .
- 美国公共交通工人皆不能罢工。
- American public-transport workers generally cannot strike .
- 这是本年度在卡布尔发生的第二起大规模袭击。
- This was the second big strike in kabul this year .
- 这是第二次这样的攻击在过去的3天。
- This was the second such strike in the past three days .
- 甚至连g+每条信息标题都有蓝色链接。
- Even g + has blue links for post titles .
- 分享功能应该使用和g+一样的机制和架构。
- Sharing should utilize the same infrastructure and plumbing that g + does .
- 打个比方,a和c都代表0,g和t代表1。
- For instance , a and c might represent 0 , while g and t signify 1 .
- 我又安慰地拍了拍她的手。
- I give her hand a reassuring pat .
- 2009年,在与正统右翼人士--派特图米的初选竞争时,斯派克再次更换自己的党派信仰。
- In 2009 , facing a primary challenge from pat toomey , an orthodox right-winger , mr specter switched parties again .
- 派特的一名传记作者伊桑拉里克指出,他的写作对象常常对希望他从这些项目上退步挺身的建议不屑一顾。
- Ethan rarick , author of a biography of pat , notes that his subject often ignored advice to hold back on his own projects .