- 短期睡眠剥夺的副作用是比较容易消除的--补点儿觉就成。
- It 's easy to erase the short-term effects of sleep deprivation-get more sleep .
- 朱莉发现,下一步,听析继续消除现实和幻想之间的界线。
- Julie found that the next step auditing continued to erase the boundary between reality and fantasy .
- 启用新国家货币后,汇率大幅贬值的不利影响将会抹去希腊在外贸领域获得的任何竞争优势。
- The impact of a sharp devaluation in a new national currency would erase any competitive gains in foreign trade .
- 完工后,爸爸总会在裤子上擦净手,一脸的笑容。
- Then , papa would wipe his hands on his pants and smile .
- 我擦去眼泪,又向巷子里看去,等待着他。
- I wipe them away and look down the alley , waiting for him .
- 清洁和擦干净办公桌,你会惊叹于它漂亮又干净的样子。
- Clean and wipe down your desk , and marvel at how pretty and clean it looks .
- 一只熊正在森林中追逐一只兔子,这时他们发现了一个瓶子并决定去摩擦它。
- Bear and a rabbit a bear is chasing a rabbit through a forest . They find a bottle and decide to rub it .
- 用白面包团轻轻擦拭墙壁表面,朝一个方向擦,避免出现条纹。
- Rub the bread gently over the surface , rub in one direction to prevent streaks .
- 就是把新鲜的大蒜和成熟的番茄酱擦在面包上,然后加少许橄榄油和盐。
- Just rub some bread with fresh garlic and plenty of ripe tomato , then drizzle with olive oil and salt .
- 那我该申请哪所学校呢?
- Which university should I apply to ?
- 合理的应用会带来最好的效果。
- Apply it properly for best results .
- 保罗建议我去申请。
- And paul suggested I apply .
- 在课间休息时间,应该穿上外衣。
- During breaks you should put on your robe .
- 她问我是否可以帮她把袜子穿上。
- She asked if I could help put on her socks .
- 飞行员开始在德黑兰降低高度,富有而美貌的波斯女人戴上了她们的头巾。
- As the pilot began our descent into tehran rich and elegant persian women put on their scarves .
- 如果我们划掉他的名字谁会真的计较呢?
- Who would really care if we cross out his name ?
- 理论上,投票人有权对候选人表达自己的不慢,然后在选票上划掉这个名字,但是实际上还没有这样的情况发生。
- In theory each voter has the right to express his or her discontent with the candidacy of a would-be representative and cross out the name in the ballot but no such cases are known in practice here .
- 如果我们删掉他的名字谁会真的计较呢。
- Who would really care if we cross out his name .