- 提升技术水平是抵抗这种价格竞争压力的途径之一。
- Better technology offers one way to resist the competitive pressure .
- 想挪动你的脚的欲望是否不可抵抗?
- Does your desire to move your legs feel impossible to resist ?
- 他们获得的任何自由都将立即转化为抵抗他的工具。
- Any freedom they gain would immediately become a means to resist him .
- 但是顾客能够以任何理由来联合抵制一家餐厅。
- But customers can boycott a restaurant for any reason they please .
- 然而他们抵制投票的呼声在很大程度上被民众忽视。
- But their call to boycott the poll was largely ignored .
- 村民威胁道,若选举期间官府敢派警官前来,便要杯葛选举。
- Residents say they had threatened to boycott the ballot if police were sent in during the polls .