- m为什么就一定在p前面?
- Why does m come before p ?
- 一个此类游戏为m维度,三个男孩子在周二玩了这个游戏。
- One such game is dimension m , played by three boys on tuesday .
- 与泰特现代博物馆十分相似,m+正在寻找那些需要长期收藏的收藏品。
- Much like tate modern , m + is looking for collections that need a long-term home .
- o有点像幻想者,分裂者陈述说日常生活中的图像也会使他们产生生理知觉。
- O somewhat like fantasizers , dissociaters report that images in their daily lives can produce physical sensations .
- 不幸的是,许多o型血的读者遵从了这一建议,结果表明是十分错误的。
- Unfortunately many readers with type o blood followed this advice , which turned out to be quite wrong .
- 此选项会建立在-o选项中提到的目录,除此以外没有其它用途。
- This option creates the dirs mentioned with the - o option , nothing else .