- 用超市手推车投票来改善地球的想法诚然诱人,不过如果消费者们真想做点儿实事的话,还是用票箱来投票吧。
- The idea of changing the world by voting with your trolley may be beguiling . But if consumers really want to make a difference , it is at the ballot box that they need to vote .
- 她的儿子贾斯汀戴克尔说到,“我母亲总是十分愿意尝试些不一样的挑战,而对二战老兵的关心更激励着她再次抓住机会有所作为。”
- " My mom was always willing take on new challenges and caring for the world war ii veterans energized her to take another chance to make a difference , " said son justin decker . ( Reuters , via msnbc )
- 尽管波动不算太大,却足以令峰谷之间产生差异。
- Though the fluctuation is not vast , it is enough to make a difference from peak to trough .