- 环天顶弧是阳光在形成卷云的六角形冰晶中折射所引起的。
- Czas result from refraction of sunlight in hexagonal ice crystals that make up cirrus clouds .
- 你估计制作单独一个完美的折射拍摄需要多少时间?
- How much time do you estimate it takes to create a single perfect refraction shot ?
- 折射的方向把光线向着是密集和寒冷的空气弯曲。
- The direction of refraction is to curve rays towards denser , colder , air .
- 但是这幅奇妙的景象实际上是一种被称为“日柱”的罕见的自然现象它是由地球大气层顶部冰晶体折射太阳光而形成的.
- But this remarkable image is a rare and natural phenomenon called a solar spike - caused by wintery ice crystals in the earth 's upper atmosphere refracting light from the sun .
- 这是一款价格低廉的折射式望远镜,是最能代表meade公司autostar技术特点的产品之一,能自动查找到1400多个天体的位置。
- A low-cost refracting telescope , it was one of the first to feature meade 's autostar technology , which automatically locates more than 1400 celestial objects .
- 流态研究用的双折光溶液。
- Double refracting solution for flow studies .