- 用这样的对撞锁模脉冲激光器来标定皮秒条纹相机的非线性、触发晃动等得到了很好的结果。
- The better results are obtained by adopting the laser to calibrate the nonlinearity and triggering jitter of piosecond streak camera .
- 目前的3g网通常有更严格的运行要求,包括像网络时延、时钟同步和网络抖动等的一些主要运行指标,从而使运营商在提供3g服务时面临着诸多挑战。
- Today 's 3g networks generally have more stringent operational requirements including key features such as network clock delay , clock synchronization and network jitter , hence resulting in operators facing an enormous challenge to offer 3g services .
- 一个大头针帽上可以有多少个天使舞蹈,这是几个世纪以来哲学家们一直争论不休的话题,但唯物主义者清楚那取决于他们跳的是吉特巴舞还是贴面舞。
- Philosophers have argued for centuries about how many angels can dance on the head of a pin , but materialists have always known it depends on whether they are jitter bugging or dancing cheek to cheek .
- 而这有可能一举动摇石油工业、汽车制造业和电力工业。
- That could shake up the oil , carmaking and electricity industries all in one go .
- 微软一向自命不凡,直到谷歌的到来,才撼动了其地位。
- Microsoft had largely grown complacent until google came along to shake up categories .
- 如果你怀疑这一点,不妨考虑一下上一个撼动世界的新兴超级大国的崛起。
- If you doubt it , consider the rise of the last emerging superpower to shake the world .
- 当我站在美洲瀑布的悬崖边上,感受着空气的震动和大地的颤抖,我激动的心情是难以用语言描述的。
- It is difficult to describe my emotions when I stood on the point which overhangs the american falls and felt the air vibrate and the earth tremble .
- 我看到这景象时,感受到的就是这种程度的颤栗。
- And I felt just this tremble when I saw this scene .
- 而在其他地方,他似乎挺满意手上轻微的颤抖和晃动。
- In other places it seems he enjoyed the slight tremble and wander of his hand .
- 南方当替罪羊的时候已经够久了。
- The south 's been the whipping boy long enough .
- 随着该行前董事长和财务总监上月被捕,并接受审讯,该行已成为整个国家的替罪羊。
- With the arrest and questioning of its former chairman and finance director last month , it has become the national whipping boy .
- 我们今天供应可供搅打的奶油。
- We serve whipping cream today .