- 但是英国基础设施局认为时断时续的投资和漏洞百出的试运行也应该备受指责。
- But infrastructure uk reckons stop-start investment and poor commissioning are also to blame .
- 他曾经想用行政令来制定一个更为有效的税收体制,但仍然不能阻止中央银行乱印钞票,这加剧了抛售卢布和购进比较坚挺货币的这种货币流向,使得外资信贷和投资不敢投入。
- He had tried to create a more effective tax collection system by executive action , but he still couldn 't stop the central bank from printing too much money , which only encouraged greater capital flight from the ruble to more stable currencies and discouraged foreign credit and investment .
- 倒闭的华尔街投资银行雷曼兄弟(lehmanbrothers)正在伦敦聘用银行家和支付优厚奖金,以防止员工跳槽。
- Lehman brothers , the collapsed wall street investment bank , is hiring bankers and paying generous bonuses in london to stop employees defecting elsewhere .