- 地震波引致房屋意外扭矩之研究。
- On the accidental torsion induced seismic waves .
- 结论cdu检查对睾丸扭转早期诊断很有帮助。
- Conclusion cdu is helpful to make diagnosis of early testicular torsion .
- 用一台轻便的弹簧秤称重。
- A portable torsion balance is used for weighing .
- 有办法来逆转此倾向。
- There are ways to reverse this .
- 后一种情况必然会出现逆转。
- The latter are sure to reverse .
- 利润少的情况可能会在今年逆转。
- The squeeze could reverse this year .
- 扭曲行动一直都被视为失败的行动。
- Operation twist has long been considered a failure .
- 在没有舞伴的情况下扭转,看上去实在可怜。
- Doing the twist without a partner just looks sad .
- 但人们有理由担心,扭转行动将产生不了什么有益成果。
- But there are reasons to fear that little good will come from the twist .
- 给予光子轨道角动量意味着扭转光束的波前,使得光束在向前传播时,其波前会绕着传播轴旋转。
- Giving photons orbital angular momentum means twisting a beam 's wavefront so that , as the beam travels forward , its wavefront rotates around the propagation axis .
- 据cbi称,卡尔马迪及其团队被控收受回扣后歪曲招投标标准,从而帮助一家名为swisstimingltd.的瑞士公司获得计时器材合同,并借此标准淘汰了其他合格的投标者。
- Mr. kalmadi and his team allegedly received kickbacks for twisting bidding criteria in a way that eliminated other eligible bidders and awarded the contract for time-keeping equipment to a switzerland-based company called swiss timing ltd. , according to the cbi .
- 该遥控器采用的塑料膜在处于不同位置时,会产生不同的电量,只要向不同方向扭转和弯曲遥控器,就可转换频道或增大和减小音量。
- Thanks to a plastic film that produces varying amounts of electricity when forced into different positions , this remote control allows you to change channels and raise and lower volume simply by twisting and flexing it in different directions .