- 爸爸的头发像一把扫帚,总是悬在半空。
- My papa 's hair is like a broom , all up in the air .
- 几块无尘抹布,橡胶手套,厕所清洁剂,扫帚和多功能喷雾应该是你需要的一切工具。
- A couple of clean rags , rubber gloves , toilet cleaner , a broom and all-purpose spray ought to be everything you 'll need .
- 但是今年年初以高达80000美金价格出售的并不是霹雳号扫帚,而是第一套商务喷气设备。
- It 's no firebolt broom but the first commercial jetpack did go on sale earlier this year for more than $ 80 000 .