- 法国造币厂发行了2欧元的硬币,硬币上印有戴高乐站在bbc话筒前的肖像。
- The french mint has issued a 2 coin with an image of de gaulle at the bbc microphone .
- 不知为什么,我的双手仍握着无线麦克风。
- Somehow I still gripped my wireless microphone with both hands .
- 多么奇怪的设备,类似于一个大的麦克风?
- What a strange device , similar to a big microphone ?
- 因为两位候选人不能私下里这样做,他们应当伸手拿起最近的话筒。
- Since the candidates cannot do so privately , they should reach for the nearest megaphone .
- 只是由于政府对教育中宗教信仰的积极提倡,才让让教会和原教旨主义者拥有了“扩音器”。
- The government has actively encouraged faith-based education , and therefore given a megaphone to religious voices and fundamentalists .
- 他就这么安安静静地高举着一台扩音器,一只牌子,上面写着“投给‘他人’,草根人大代表。”
- Silently , he was extending his arm upward , holding a megaphone , and a sign , " vote ' others , ' grassroots representative . "