- 花钱去拓展手机地图领域让高德的盈利有所波动。
- Spending to expand mobile mapping has crimped earnings at autonavi .
- 这也反映了美西在拓展互联网业务方面做出的努力。
- This reflects macy 's efforts to expand its online business .
- 我的职能继续扩张。
- My duties continue to expand .
- 我是不是把它放大/缩小到适合a4的纸张呢?
- Shall I enlarge / reduce this to fit a4 paper ?
- 试图放大或描述这爱情的力量和效用,就如在阳光底下点燃烛光。
- To enlarge or illustrate this power and effect of love is to set a candle in the sun .
- 当我们在大字号下面使用一个字体时候(比如说一张海报),一切都被放大。
- When we use a font in a big size ( for example in a poster ) , we enlarge everything .
- 他们的杂志扩展了他们的市场领域。
- Their magazines extend their dominance .
- 周仍在探寻扩大其android领先的方法。
- Chou is looking for ways to extend his android lead .
- 内塔尼亚胡总理拒绝延长停建时间。
- Mr netanyahu refused to extend it .
- 这些扩展本身存在一定风险。
- Such expansion has risks in itself .
- 将制定自己的扩张策略。
- It would set its expansion strategy .
- 奖金和扩张成为历史。
- Bonuses and expansion are history .