- 我很遗憾来打扰你。
- I hate to disturb you .
- 然而,一个obama的和平计划会深深地扰乱内塔尼亚胡的平静心情。
- However , an obama peace plan could sharply disturb mr netanyahu 's mood of calm .
- 贸易争端、货币战争、彼此冲突的监管、债券收益率的上升都可能会扰乱这种情绪。
- Trade tensions , currency wars , uncoordinated regulation , or a rise in bond yields could all disturb it .
- 尊敬他人,不要中途打断。
- Be respectful and don 't interrupt .
- 小贴士:当她说话的时候不要打断她。
- Tip do not interrupt her when she speaks .
- 同时,我们不能也不敢让对流感的关注压倒或中断其他攸关生死的医疗项目。
- At the same time , we cannot , we dare not , let concerns about a pandemic overshadow or interrupt other vital health programmes .
- 你的婚姻可能有存在问题。
- Your marriage is in trouble .
- 极端主义者正在制造麻烦。
- Extremists are stirring up trouble .
- 而这正是问题的开始。
- And there the trouble started .