- 和别人共用毛巾是导致结膜炎的主要途径,这种传染病也叫红眼病。
- Sharing face towels is a great way to get conjunctivitis , the infection also known as pinkeye .
- 不停地换纸巾直到纸巾再也吸不到水分为止。
- Change the towels again and again until they no longer absorb moisture .
- 摆放好把在烧烤之后用来吸西瓜汁的装有纸巾的盘子。
- Line a plate with paper towels to catch the juices of the watermelon after grilling .
- 他不可能一直戴着手帕。
- No way was he wearing a bandana .
- 一条红围巾就可以让所有衣服亮起来。
- A red bandana brightens nearly any wardrobe .
- 一个模特倚在装饰性枕头上,一块大手帕随意地绕在其脖子上,配以一件标有白色logo的红色t恤。
- The model reclines on a camouflage pillow , a bandana tied casually around his neck above a red t-shirt with a white logo .