- 但是,民主党已经让人非常失望了,首先是鸠山由纪夫政权,一个行为怪异的人,然后是引起不和的,优柔寡断的菅政权。
- But the dpj has disappointed mightily , first under the leadership of yukio hatoyama , a space cadet , and then under the divisive , indecisive mr kan .
- •谢丽尔•桑德伯格及其带入公司的朋友圈子:“人们私底下有一个专门的字眼来指代在Facebook首席运营官的领导下占据了公司实权的精英们。
- • On sheryl sandberg and the circle of friends she has brought into the company : " there 's a term spoken quietly around facebook to describe a cadre of elites who have assumed powerful positions under the leadership of zuckerberg 's chief operating officer : they 're foss , or friends of sheryl sandberg .
- 地震过后,灾区群众正在各级政府领导下积极开展家园的恢复重建工作。
- People in the disaster areas , under the leadership of all levels of chinese government , were active in the restoration and reconstruction of their homesteads after the earthquake .
- 找个安静的地方,让你可以专心于手头的工作。
- Find a quiet space where you can concentrate on the task at hand .
- 但不管怎样,雇主们说,外表经常与手头上的工作有关。
- And anyway say employers appearance is often relevant to the job at hand .
- 目前我们手头需要解决的问题是找到一条我们执行政策的最好方法。
- But the task at hand is to define how best to execute the strategy being pursued .