brainy 变化形式 比较级: brainier 最高级: brainiest
brainy 的用法和双语例句“点击”或“选中”例句中的单词,就可以看到词义解释 The captions underneath their pictures tell the same story : " when I think of a scientist I think of brainy and very weird people " wrote a boy named james . 他们图片下面的说明讲着同样的故事:“当我想及科学家的时候,我想到的是有头脑和非常古怪的一群人,”一个叫詹姆斯的男生这样写道。 But some networks of loyalty had devastating effects , as when the privileged , brainy circle round kennedy led america into vietnam . 而忠诚有些则完全带来了破坏性的后果,比如,大权在握而聪明过人的肯尼迪将美国带入越南战争。 Do you like your boyfriend brawny or brainy ? 你喜欢你的男朋友体格好还是头脑好? Do you 1 ike your boyfriend brawny or brainy ? 你喜欢你的男朋友体格好还是头脑好宁 Ask elizabeth , she 's the brainy one around here . 去问伊丽沙白吧,她是这一带有头脑的人。 Don 't try to offer brainy solutions . 不要自作聪明地提供解决办法。 Brainy men , it seems , do have better sperm . 看起来,聪明的人的确有更好的精子。 But what if alien life was more dim green slime than brainy green men ? 但是,如果外星人生命是比聪明绿人更暗淡的绿色黏液呢? Brainy students could understand easily what the teacher explained to them . 聪明的学生能轻易的理解老师的讲解。 Canada , australia and singapore make it quick and painless for brainy foreigners to obtain visas to work or set up companies . 加拿大、澳大利亚和新加坡等国为国外人才获取签证大开便利之门,以支持他们入境工作或创设公司。