- 他的随从包括年轻女性,她们名义上被叫做“信使”,她们既为他点烟又为他接灰。
- His retinue includes young women known officially as " messengers " who light his ever-present cigarettes and catch the ashes .
- 反对派在的黎波里的积极分子说,为躲避北约的暗杀行动,卡扎菲每天晚上都带着一小群随从人员在的黎波里的医院、教堂和博物馆之间穿梭往返。
- Opposition activists in tripoli say col. gadhafi each night shuttles among the capital 's hospitals , churches and museums with a small retinue , in order to avoid nato assassination attempts .
- 于是,就有了没完没了的唐宁街上的“峰会”,以及戈登布朗本周在这一区域的巡游,带着他的内阁,象都德君王的随从一样。
- Thus the perpetual economic " summits " in downing street , and gordon brown 's progress through the regions this week , with his cabinet in tow like the retinue of a tudor monarch .
- 用固定板将主减速器固定到虎钳。
- Secure final drive to a vice using the retainer plate .
- 将固定板从座椅骨架上拆下。
- Remove retainer plate from the seat frame .
- 将固位器推入塑料卡子。
- Push the retainer into the plastic clip .
- 桌面套件中的aureliareporter尤其让人印象深刻。
- The new aurelia reporter in desktop suite is particularly impressive .
- 圣约翰旅馆的管理层早已在邓肯蒙罗的套房内摆好了一张按摩台。
- The management of the hotel st. john had set up a massage table in duncan munro 's suite .
- 所有测试由phoronix测试套件进行。
- The phoronix test suite facilitated all testing .