- 这是第一次对扁桃腺受伤的人进行研究,并发现这一损伤会导致恐惧感缺失。
- It 's the first human study to show that amygdala damage can wipe out fearful feeling , they say .
- 所以“你不会为了避免创伤后压力症而破坏所有士兵的扁桃腺。”
- So " you would not want to advocate permanent destruction of the amygdala in soldiers as a way to protect against possible post-traumatic stress disorder , " anderson says .
- 这是人们首次公开发表研究结果,阐述人类的杏仁核体积与社交网络之间的关系。
- This is one of the first publications that demonstrates a relationship between amygdala volume and social networks in humans .
- 她一感冒,扁桃腺就会发炎。
- She will get tonsil inflammation once he catches a cold .
- 去年,我在一位老朋友的娱乐场所和着不怎么好听的曲调缓慢地挪动着舞步,喝了很多酒之后,我们发现彼此之间有了一丝丝好感。
- Last year I was slow dancing with an old friend to some dreadful tune at her gaff , having put away a shed-load of drink , and we found ourselves having a bit of a tonsil tease .
- 橄榄油也可以用来舒缓喉咙发痒,滋润空腔后部和扁桃体部位以减少打鼾。
- This trick also works to soothe itchy throats and lubricate the back of the mouth and tonsil area , which may lessen snoring .