- 他们在纽约州的阿斯波利公园拥有一幢房子。而且在那里组织了一个民事联盟推动财产的拥有权更加经济化实用化。
- The two own a house together in asbury park , n. j. , and were joined there in a civil union to make property ownership more economical and practical .
- 中介好邻居房产小叶为您供给.
- Flocculus of good neighbour house property is offerred for you .
- 当世界房产市场进入黄金时期时,资本主义国家的地产垄断形成,地产宣传也开始由单一的形象广告向多元化方向发展。
- When market of world house property enters gold period , the landed forestall of capitalist country is formed , landed conduct propaganda also begins to develop to diversity direction by onefold figure advertisement .
- 但用中项来联系两极端(所谓大前提和小前提),在推论里毋宁是一种直接的联系。
- But the relations of the extremes to the middle term ( the so-called premises , major and minor ) are immediate relations instead .
- 这家麻将馆在门前新帖的中英文告示警告说,该房屋处于警方视频监控系统之中。
- Signs newly posted on the door in english and chinese warned that the premises were under police video surveillance .
- 警察们迅速把他围了起来,给他戴上了手铐,冲进房屋展开了搜查。
- The officers spun him around and handcuffed him , then streamed into the apartment to search the premises .