- 但是原则上,有证书的藏豆赌博游戏能用于截取名义上安全的数据。
- But shell games with certificates can , in principle , be used to intercept nominally secure data .
- 法国新内阁成员已接到通知,要求他们停止使用黑莓手机(blackberry),原因是担心美国可能截取国家机密。
- Members of the new french cabinet have been told to stop using their blackberries because of fears that the us could intercept state secrets .
- 因为该系统不生成数据库,phorm已得到了包括隐私国际在内的一些团体的认可,但其他一些如epic这样的团体首先仍质疑其截取数据的权力。
- Because it is not creating a database , phorm has received approval from groups including privacy international , although others such as epic still question its right to intercept data in the first place .
- 据bp和艾伦介绍,减压井在离计划拦截点大约100英尺的范围内。
- The relief well is within about 100 feet from the planned interception point , according to bp and allen .
- 这为地方官员带来了加大拦截力度的压力。
- This put pressure on local officials to step up their interception efforts .
- 朝鲜已经表示他们将把拦截朝鲜船只看作对朝宣战。
- North korea has said it would consider interception of its ships a declaration of war .
- 这些雄心将不可避免地带来全球市场上的竞争性碰撞。
- These ambitions will unavoidably lead to a competitive collision in the global marketplace .
- 核裁军运动(一个和平组织)称这次相撞为:最可怕的核噩梦。
- The campaign for nuclear disarmament described the collision as " a nuclear nightmare of the highest order " .
- 随意的一点点信息可能正好触发最恰当的概念碰撞。
- A random scrap ofinformation can trigger just the right conceptual collision .