- 疯狂的内裤,总是一成不变。
- Crazy underwear always in a rut .
- 我要破坏你的成规。
- I 'm going to bust your rut .
- 处于发情期的麋鹿集聚在一起,偶尔可以在盆地中辨认出来。
- In fall , the bull elk are in full rut and occasionally can be spotted in the basin as they gather their harems .
- 他们从星期二开始在查塔努加举行全国代表大会。
- They hold a national convention in charlotte north carolina beginning tuesday .
- 反贿赂公约将是一个更加正式的文件。
- The bribery convention is a more formal instrument .
- 公约并没有给予具体重叠的专属经济区和大陆架问题的解决方案。
- The convention does not give specifics of how overlapping eez and continental shelf claims should be resolved .
- 不过,他墨守成规的形象与举止,其实掩饰了他对日本企业刻板传统的背弃。
- But his conformist image and manner belie his break with strait-laced japanese business conventions .
- 终止征兵制的决定可能需要得到由cdu和csu联合召开的政党大会的批准。
- A decision to end conscription might require approval by the party conventions of the cdu and csu .
- 除了政党大会前后的一些波动,这场竞选仍然停留在过去5个月左右的地方。
- The race still stands where it has for the past five months or so , bar some gyrations around the conventions .