- 你愈想成佛,你就愈清晰的看出将你的上师视为佛的需要。
- The more you wish to attain buddhahood , the clearer you see the need for seeing your guru as buddha .
- 这些细节的小事很值得去叙述,因为它们表现了佛性的品质。
- These minor details are worth relating , because they bring the quality of buddhahood .
- 观音就这样无限期地滞留在世上,自己却失去了最高佛果.
- Guanyin stranded indefinitely on the way in the world that he has lost the highest buddhahood .
- 悉达多成为一个完全觉悟的人佛。
- Siddhartha became a fully awakened being a buddha .
- 这个隐修者就是你内心深处的佛。
- The hermit is the buddha inside of you .
- 佛陀说健康是最重要的礼物,知足是最大的财富。
- Buddha says that health is the greatest gift , contentment the greatest wealth .