- 混乱的布置是问题所在。
- The problem is the muddled arrangement .
- 但这传递了混乱的信息。
- But the message was muddled .
- 医保是一个巨大而混乱需要规范的产业。
- Health care is a huge muddled industry in need of regulation .
- 他们从没有将自己所有的努力都集中放在一个单个的任务上,所以他们完全不知道自己拥有的力量。
- They 've never focused all of their efforts on a singular task , so they are completely unaware of the power they possess .
- 妇女们恣意吸烟,对健康风险毫无意识。
- Women smoked with abandon , unaware of the health risks .
- 用户常常没意识到该服务,但一旦发现却愤然离去。
- Users were often unaware of this and rebelled when they found out .
- 我自己最好的工作都是在我无知的时候完成的。
- My own best work was done when I was most ignorant .
- 只消有一对乡下夫妇留下,那你就有可能投胎成为他们粗鄙愚昧的孩子。
- If just one hillbilly couple stayed behind , you could become their filthy , ignorant baby .
- 彼得会说,这种称呼根本无法激发起无知的平民百姓对那些实实在在的外星人的好奇心。
- That sort of thing removed the wonder of the truly alien for an ignorant populace , peter would say .
- 你能感觉到有多枯燥和乏味吗?
- How dull and boring can you get ?
- 欧洲的大选传统上是沉闷的。
- European elections are traditionally dull affairs .
- 总得有人来确保完成那些枯燥但必需的工作。
- Someone has to ensure that dull but necessary tasks are done .
- 你们真是比我想的还要蠢!"mung"是一个词!
- Ou guys are even stupider than I thougt ! " Mung " is so a word !
- 仅仅今年一年,随着大蒜,生姜和绿豆的药用价值为越来越多的人接受,投机者借机哄抬它们的价格。
- This year alone , speculators have driven up the price of garlic , ginger and mung beans , popular for their medicinal value .
- 从减肥茶到绿豆,减肥产品的销售额急剧上升;健身馆以闪电般的速度开了又关;而中医院则表示,希望通过针灸和拔罐帮助自己减肥的患者不断增多。
- Sales of slimming products , from weight-loss teas to mung beans , are rising sharply , gyms open ( and close ) at lightning speed , and traditional chinese hospitals report a rise in patients seeking acupuncture and fire-cupping treatments to help shed weight .