- 这个报道很傻但同时很严肃。
- The story is both silly and serious .
- 第一个辩辞很愚蠢。
- The first defence is silly .
- 固执己见是不专业的,傻的。
- Navel gazing is unprofessional and silly .
- 萨莉显然很真诚坦率,以致大家都喜欢她。
- Sally was so obviously sincere and ingenuous that everyone liked her .
- 你太天真竟会相信他说的话。
- It is ingenuous of you to believe what he says .
- 他太天真,轻信别人的话。
- He is too ingenuous in believing what people say .
- 国家当局可没那么天真。
- The authorities are not naive .
- 这是非常天真的幻想。
- This is a very naive fantasy .
- 政府在对待俄罗斯问题上并不幼稚。
- The administration is not naive about russia .