- 我认为首先要做的就是要产生对这些文化价值观和带有性别歧视的形象更加强烈的愤慨。
- I think the first thing is to become much more indignant about these cultural values and sexist imagery .
- 尤其是,那些极左派的候选人,即同那四个响亮的大名一样享有法律意义上平等的电视宣传时间的候选人们,更加愤慨。
- In particular , the hard-left candidates , now enjoying by law equal air-time with the four bigger names , have been indignant .
- 不过,对于在伦敦的学生普雷蒂来说,维罗尼卡贝卢斯科尼愤怒的来信,意味着一种变化开始涌动。
- But for preti , the student in london , veronica berlusconi 's indignant letter signified a stirring of change .
- 锦鲤是很温驯又美丽的鱼,很多人都希望能饲养。
- The koi is very docile and beautiful fish , a lot of people hope .
- 布伦乔尔森想放松一下,于是去写字楼里一个禅宗花园散步,坐在一个锦鲤池塘边,等待丹佛那位元投资者能否成为新客户的消息。
- Trying to relax from the action , mr. brynjolfsson walked to a zen garden in his office complex , sitting by a koi pond , waiting to hear if the denver investors would become a new client .
- 这样的鱼池你见过吗
- This koi pond you seen it ?
- 甚至连g+每条信息标题都有蓝色链接。
- Even g + has blue links for post titles .
- 分享功能应该使用和g+一样的机制和架构。
- Sharing should utilize the same infrastructure and plumbing that g + does .
- 打个比方,a和c都代表0,g和t代表1。
- For instance , a and c might represent 0 , while g and t signify 1 .