- 我自己最好的工作都是在我无知的时候完成的。
- My own best work was done when I was most ignorant .
- 只消有一对乡下夫妇留下,那你就有可能投胎成为他们粗鄙愚昧的孩子。
- If just one hillbilly couple stayed behind , you could become their filthy , ignorant baby .
- 彼得会说,这种称呼根本无法激发起无知的平民百姓对那些实实在在的外星人的好奇心。
- That sort of thing removed the wonder of the truly alien for an ignorant populace , peter would say .
- 如今,霍乱疫情和难民潮已经威胁到南非自身,南非领导人们是时候考虑采取极端措施来挽救津巴布韦这个蒙昧之国了。
- As cholera and refugees threaten to destabilise south africa itself , its rulers must start to consider drastic measures to rescue the benighted country that zimbabwe has now become .
- 自1975年独立以来,安哥拉在近30年中一直饱受内战困扰,被视为全球最蒙昧的地区之一。
- For nearly 30 years from independence in 1975 angola was embroiled in civil war and known as one of the most benighted places in the world .
- 这片子2002~2005年间制作的少数剧集,有些出自朝鲜动漫家之手,因而可能触犯美国禁止从朝鲜这个蒙昧之国进口产品的禁令。
- A few episodes made between 2002 and 2005 were part-produced by north korean animators , and thus possibly fell foul of america 's ban on imports from that benighted country .
- 它应当放弃愚昧地把矛头对准薪酬、影子银行业和评级机构。
- It should drop the fatuous targeting of pay , shadow banking and rating agencies .
- 认为家庭暴力只会发生在穷人中的看法是愚昧和错误的。
- The assumption that such violence afflicts only the poor or deserving is both fatuous and misguided .
- 对于书中倡导的消灭私有财产和由“平民委员会”强加的“民主统治”,布莱丹一概视为愚昧和不可理喻。
- Bredan perceived the document-which advocated abolition of private property and the imposition of " democratic rule " by " popular committees " - as fatuous and incomprehensible .